The need to catalyse organisation culture & behaviour

We define strategy not just as a plan but rather as A shared commitment to act towards a compelling goal.

Many organisations still develop the written document together with value statements without an understanding that, to be effective, this process requires a following stage of attitudinal and behaviour change to develop the needed organisational culture to support the achievement of goals.

All too often progress is thwarted by resistance to change, by disruptive or inappropriate behaviours of staff (including bullying and harassment) and by lack of understanding of why new thinking and behaviour is needed and the skills to make change.

“The program was well structured, highly practical and Larry is a fabulous facilitator!”

We facilitate planning retreats and team building events to focus strategic thinking and team cohesiveness and purpose. We also manage effective organisation culture and behaviour change processes which are consultative and empowering of staff. Our work includes national programs to reduce bullying & harassment behaviour.